I am totally drained, and all I want to do is pass out but I know I have to finish my study abroad journal entry so I might as well blog . They’re basically the same except I edit out all the interesting bits for Drexel. If only that school knew what an epic fail I am. Once again, last night we went out way too late. Who knew London was a city of alcoholics that started pre-gaming with dinner. We found a 24-hour bar and restaurant online, so we took our time getting ready, and got on the bus to Piccadilly Circus. There we ran into a lovely saxophone man who loved our dancing and told us to come back at 3 when everyone was leaving the bars. We found the 24 hour place (Bar Italia) but it was packed with drunk Euro-trash and there was no place to go. I also refuse to pay for anything over 5 pounds for food, and it was ridiculously expensive for a sandwich. What the hell do I have to do to get a mozzarella and tomato sandwich around here? Bleed gold? It’s the fifth day and I’m already compiling a list of food that I am binging upon when I return to the states. Top of the list? Friendly’s honey mustard chicken and bacon club. Anywho, we wandered down the street and ran into a club promoter named Solomon. (coincidence, or fate?) He told us he’d get us into his club for half price, and took us across the street to Club Soho. It was pretty fun, and we all enjoyed ourselves. There were random men in there wearing tuxedo’s and top hat’s, but I am probably the last person who should be allowed to judge others. I thought I would be more attracted to British men, as sports coats and sweater vests and loafers sadly are the death of me, but I can’t understand a damn word their saying. I was told I could keep up with British wit by some drunk guy, so I’m content enough. We left the club right before it closed as it was almost 3 and we needed to meet up with the saxophone man. He arrived and started to play, and we being American assholes, began to dance in the center of Piccadilly Circus. A crowd began to gather, and they all had their cameras and phones out so I was somewhat terrified we were going to end up on youtube. (Hi Daddy?) Gradually more and more people began to gather, and the people getting kicked out of the clubs began to dance with us. Before I knew it, there were easily hundreds of people dancing and singing with us. I have never felt such a communal bond between so many drunk assholes. G-d I love England. We left after a while, seeing as we weren’t needed anymore and the dance party could continue without us, and set off to find a bus. Surprisingly we got on the right one and met some lovely blokes who were members of a bachelor party. The poor bastard is getting married next week, I wish him the best of luck. I could understand why they were wearing matching t-shirts and odd paraphernalia, but I couldn’t see the necessity of the blow-up doll they were carrying. We ended up back at our flat safe and sound as the sky once again became lighter and lighter, and I passed out until 1:30 the next day while the majority of the flat-mates went to Church.
Today there was a free all day concert around London, but the flat-mates all went to the section that could be found in Kensington Gardens. It’s so convenient living across the street from most of the events and venues. Next week should be amazing, as Dave Matthews and Bruce Springstein will be playing there. There’s so much garden and grass we will be able to tail gate and hear everything. We also plan on tailgating Wimbledon next week, because what’s classier than tailgating Wimbledon? Tailgating a symphony, but I’ll be doing that next month when all of the famous musicians come to the Royal Albert Music Hall. I plan on wearing a sundress, my pearls, and clutching a 2-liter of hard cider. They must love Americans.
It was the first hot, sunny day since we’ve been here, and it felt amazing to be able to wear a dress without a jacket. I might even dare to say I got a little tanner. There was a large amount of people there, I could even go so far as to call them British hippies. I was hoping I would escape the obnoxiously colored plastic sunglasses when I left West-Philly (stupid COMAD students) but they were out in full force today. It was perfect for day-drinking, and most of us had bottles of wine and I had my rum and seltzer in a water bottle, not being used to drinking publicly. Most of the people around us had picnic baskets filled with fruit and wine and beer. It was a generally friendly atmosphere, probably because the vast majority was drunk or high, and the music was terrific. The first act I saw was a female pop singer, and she was absolutely terrific. We then saw a string of rappers (they were all white and surprisingly good) and I’m not used to the kind of rap they were performing. I’ve only heard rap on the radio, but this was more peaceful, and the artists rapped about life in general and specific events. There was an American artist who sang, beat-boxed, and played various instruments as well as controlling the keyboard, and another beat-boxer with some sweet dread-locks. I might even dare to say this was the best concert I have ever been to, and this is coming from the girl who has previously only really gone to metal concerts. I was dead after a few hours, and I’m pretty sure I was curled up in the fetal position in the grass for the better part of a half-hour. Then we got pizza-hut. I’m not eating out again, I won’t be able to afford anything, and through hell or high water I’m going to Amsterdam.
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