The only thing I could possibly want more than to reclaim my dignity, a new liver, or the resurrection of Mr. Mittens (in non-zombie hamster form) are the new metallic Sperry's for J Crew. They're flashy enough to garner attention, yet subtle enough to go with a vast array of outfit choices without screaming what a complete tool you are. That's what your bedazzled back pack is for. In this bleak and tiresome month of January, these shoes symbolize the hope that spring is just (kind-of but not really) around the corner, and seem to usher in the warm breezes and outdoor day drinking that comes with it. I could see a freshman slutting these up with a jean short, or appropriating them with navy or white clam diggers. These shoes are like the American dream, except with an exchange policy and the capability of closing Guantanamo Bay on time. However, in this recession are $98 shoes really worth it? Probably not, but I feel like it is my Patriotic Duty to use my 15% student discount and work study funds to finally own a little piece of America the beautiful. Or wait two months for a sale.
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