I will preface this by saying that I do not want children in the near future. Give me at least another decade of being a complete and utter asshole, because once that demon seed comes barreling out of your uterus, life as you know it is over. However, that doesn't mean I can't find their tiny midget like features adorable, or creepily wave at them on public transportation. One of the things I can picture myself looking forward to is buying the little bastard fun accessories. For example, while browsing for flasks on a home goods website, I stumbled across these sweet pacifiers. I am ashamed my parents did not purchase vampire fangs or grillz for myself or my brother. I also look forward to dressing the thing in Crewcuts, regardless it be a he, she, or he-she. Considering J Crew sends me an email every damn day (but it would be blasphemy to take myself off the mailing list) I have seen my fair share of Crewcuts and simply put it is fucking adorable. The brunette girl on the right looks like she's about to smack the blonde one and take her flower, and rightly so. Life is a cruel and never ending struggle, even in the bright and shiny world of J Crew.

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