I had forgotten how much I loved campus. Walking the hallowed streets of West Philadelphia is a privilege not to be taken lightly, and only the strongest Drexel degenerates and preppiest of Penn survive. I enjoy knowing that at any moment I could run into a friend, as opposed to NYC where I practically knew no one and it was a miracle if I got to work on time, let alone had a clue where the hell I was.
However, I had also forgotten the awkward run-ins that frequent the college campus. With over 14,000 undergrads alone you think you would have a hard time seeing the same people multiple times in one day. You are oh so terribly and horribly wrong.
It's an art to avoid acquaintances you don't really feel like catching up with. You both make eye contact with one another, silently acknowledge each others presence, and move on. It's generally accepted, and tedious at most. It only becomes awkward if one person tries to verbally or physically acknowledge the other, only to be shunned.
Since it's my fourth year here, I am forced into this social survival skill at least 10 or more times a day. Or I actually talk to them because we're "friends," I "live" with them, "drink" with them, or have "passed out on their floor." When it comes down to it, everyone just wants to go about their own business and move on without waving to everyone they know like a retard on speed.
On a happier note, last night I was lucky enough to view "Zombie Strippers" featuring the talented and beautiful Jenna Jameson. It was one of the most politically stirring films I had seen in a long time, as they remarked on the ineffectiveness of the Bush administration. The movie projected that America would declare war on most of the world, and in an effort to create super soldiers that couldn't die and could feel no fear, they made a zombie virus. Unfortunately this virus made its way out of the lab and into a nearby strip club, where Jenna and a bunch of her friends became infected. Thus giving them totally awesome super stripping powers. The entire movie was pretty much stripping and the slow decay of models and the plot. It was amusing though, and well written for its intended purpose. It made us all laugh multiple times, and we even weren't that drunk.
I highly recommend it, especially for those who are keen on seeing Jenna shoot billiard balls out of her vagina at such a speed it blows a man's head off. It's located on-demand in the "free movies" section.
I'd start at Towers and then make my way over to Van R.