I've always aspired to look like Natalie Portman in Hotel Chevalier. There is a certain elegance in the way she bitchily commands the room in a trench coat and androgynous haircut. The same goes for Edie Sedgwick, and those random anorexic fashion majors running around campus.
I have always admired their confidence in the ability to pull off a masculine hair cut. It's easy enough to hide behind long pretty locks if you have a pimple or serious bags under your eyes. People will be distracted and not as focused on your face. There is also unfortunately the issue of what guys will think. We're brought up in a society where long hair for girls is considered the status quo, and straying from it makes you highly resemble Hilary Swank from Boys Don't Cry.
However, last night when I was pounding peppermint patty shots with Natalie (Whipped cream, peppermint schnapps, and chocolate sauce all in your mouth. Follow with serious gym time) I had an epiphany. I needed to make a serious lifestyle change. The apathy towards my major had reached epic heights, and my decision making skills have been poor of late. I needed a fresh start, preferably one that didn't include retail therapy.
After several more drinks, an ill-conceived frat party, an allergic reaction to said drinks (damn you red dye B5) and one of the worst texts I have ever received, my gut reaction was to call the salon as soon as I woke up this morning. Farewell curly Jew fro, hello pixie cut.
I don't know if it's because I've grown more confident over the years, or if I just stopped caring what other people think of me. Probably the latter, but nevertheless I'm damn proud of myself for not audibly crying when I saw all of my hair falling to the ground. I was initially scared that I would look too much like a little school boy, but then I realized I had two rather large reasons how they couldn't.
I may wake up tomorrow with the horrible realization that it will take at least two years for my hair to fully grow back, but for right now I'm not in panic mode. I'm too busy modeling headbands.
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