Saturday 14 August 2010

It's just a mirage.

This morning when I boarded the Amtrak back to Boston, I was amused how they herded the coach passengers to the back of the train like cattle. However, complaining about the difference in treatment or the poor selection of snacks in the cafĂ© car would be nothing short of communism. There are divisions among the classes for a reason, and it’s a necessity in keeping the glory of capitalism alive. The persons in business class stretching out their legs, playing bejewled on their iphones, and texting their mistresses deserve to be there. They paid the paltry extra dollars, and deserve better treatment. I have no qualms with being a lowly student or intern and riding in coach, nor with letting said persons buy me drinks when I’m out.

Situations like these always seem reminiscent of Titanic. How they loaded the life boats with first class, a few members of second class, and used the floating corpses of third class to plug up any holes in leaking life boats. It’s also evocative of how they loaded the “women and children first.” I wonder if they would still do that today, or if it would turn into a free for all with people stabbing one another with their stiletto heels and cuff links. Granted the children should go first, because they are our future and all that happy horseshit, but do the women really need to go first as well? The kids would want their moms in their lifeboats with them, but they could equally want their dads. Stay at home dads are quickly becoming a popular trend, and I remember plenty of DILF’s when I was a lake lifeguard. The norms of society are quite fluid, to the point where one doesn’t think twice about the tranny couple with their tranny child. Henry will grow up to more fabulous than Hannah Montana could ever be.

This also begs the question of chivalry. Is it completely dead, or did the knight just misplace his white horse while he was wandering around the forest on shrooms? (He comes back from his spirit quest to realize he was gay all along)

If someone had asked me about chivalry several months ago when I was still at Drexel, I would have answered that it was dead, and that I couldn’t care less. The only better treatment I received was how I didn’t have to pay to get in or drink at any house party or fraternity. I might also have a skewed opinion because I go to an engineering school, and girls are akin to mirages with boobs for most of the population. However after some time in NYC (half a year…whaaat?) I would like to say that it’s still out there, but things are becoming equal in both the workplace and social situations, and it’s definitely for the better. I am in no way, shape, or form a feminist, but I don’t think women necessarily need to have doors opened for them or seats given up for them. We’re perfectly capable of doing that on our own, unless we’re completely blacked out and miss the door handle or are passed out on the subway floor. At this point we don’t need a white knight, we need some damn aspirin.

1 comment:

  1. Fine, I will never open a door for you again. Instead, I will open it for myself, step through, and then turn around to slap you in the face before shutting it so that you can open it yourself. Nah, just kidding, I wont (unless I'm drunk, in which case I make no promises and you can't hold it against me.)

    P.S. If it does happen I still expect a BJ
