Sometimes I wonder if I've become too much of a superficial and shallow asshole in the past few years, and then I remember why that will never come to pass. My dear dear friend apathy would never allow it.
Do I need this years "it" bag? Why is my hair up for the second consecutive day in a row? Why have I been existing off of poached eggs and Jack Daniels? I'm not giving up, I just don't fucking care.
I feel like there should be some sort of Greek myth involving the origins of apathy. Perhaps it was a demi-god or some sort of wood nymph that refused to answer the prayers of its followers. Apathy was too busy trying to hit on Aries or tanning in Crete to listen to the pleas and laments of mere mortals. At some point Apathy's followers became fed up and pissed off with their crops failing, their rivers overflowing, and the general lack of a decent moisturizer. Apathy's temple was burned down and her statues beheaded or crudely defaced with unwarranted facial hair. Completely bullshit, Apathy cursed all of mankind with her general lack of concern for just about everything. Since then many have questioned whether she granted us a blessing or a curse.
In actuality apathy is a variance of pathos and came into being around 1600, but then again what does Google know? Absolutely everything.
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